Product Details

The Miracle

3.0 average, based on 3 reviews


Product Description

The Miracle, measures 23 inches by 36 inches, - this poster represents the two forces of mankind, between spiritual and physical, good and evil, and the creation of God. 

Product Code: THE11

Stock Level: 89

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 3

The miracle of The Miracle

This poster is my favorite of all the works by Mr. Fonseca. The amazing detail and vibrant colors are accomplished with remarkable finesse. The use of multiple, minute images to create a larger image is a hallmark of this astounding artist. I wrote a short story about this piece, and to this day I still have dreams about standing on that stairway seen winding through the universe. The Miracle can be studied for hours, and the relationships between the parts can be analyzed for days. It's complexity can be overwhelming, but the simplicity of its message is clear. Good and evil, life and death, Light and shadow are set before us. WE much choose, and therein lies the miracle – free will.

CHICK TODD :: 30 Oct 2020, 23:59

the miracle

hi, i bought this poster in july 1979 in greenwich village. I am french, i would like to buy it again because it was ripped by the years. But it s looks darker than the first original, or perhaps it's because it's smaller? Rico: "The age of the original oils has aged so the paint gets darker when copied.

richard brigitte :: 21 Apr 2016, 16:13

the Miracle

Why are the colors so wrong from my original print your old print probably faded over the years and plus I added more white to the painting before I redid the posters since I no longer had the original color seperations needed to make the new prints.

Bruce Bowman :: 26 Jan 2011, 13:12

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All artwork is the sole property of Rico Fonseca (universal Art Prints) No reproduction alowed without the permition of Universal Art Prints license to sale. Anyone cought selling reproductions will be prossacuted to the extent of the copyright infregments law . 

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